Lunch Break Series brought to you by our friends at OhioHealth - Live!

Tuesdays at 12:30pm


5/19: Building Your Wellness Kitchen - 12pm

Learn why organizing your kitchen is an important part of the healthy cooking process, learn how to organize your kitchen so you can cook more at home and become aware of online resources to help with wellness kitchen organization. Participants will also be introduced to a recipe matrix, helping them learn how to use what they already have at home to prepare a fast, easy and nutritious meal created by Jenny Pitcher, RD, LD, CHWC

5/26: Creature of Habit

Our Creature of Habit education session will help you gain an understanding of why we create habits, it will lead you to explore new ideas toward developing more effective behaviors and this session will introduce the pillars related to habits.

6/2: Facing Uncertainty with Resilience and Hope

This 30 minute education session is based on the work of Dr. Brene Brown in her book The Gifts of Imperfection. We will take a deeper dive into the research and science behind creating a resilient spirit and generating hope, two things that may be hard to come by in this uncertain time. You will walk away with tools and “How To’s” for practicing resiliency to build hope for yourself and those close to you.

6/9: Movement in the Now

What movement looked like for you a few months ago might be different than what it looks now. Join Movement in the Now to learn how to make movement happen, to experience a sense of compassion toward yourself, and to learn new and creative ways to make movement work for you, right here, right now.