Have a great time while school is out! This state-licensed program will include:

  • Swimming
  • Afternoon snack
  • Arts & crafts activities
  • Structured physical activity




Pay in Advance: $30
Pay Day of Program: $40
*$15 one-time registration fee

TITLE XX is accepted but MUST be registered before utilizing the program. 


Dates Available

Program Hours: 7:00am - 6:00pm


  • Feb 17
  • Apr 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17 

Parent Reminders

  • Don’t forget to bring a lunch.
  • We will be offering swim time. Please remember appropriate bathing suits for girls and swim trunks with the mesh liner for boys. Don’t forget about extra towels as well.
  • We will be going outside (weather permitted) so a jacket is advised. It is also recommended to have your child’s name written inside the jacket. 
  • Please be sure to sign your child in and out of the program at the parent table.
  • Be prepared to show your ID when picking up your child.
  • Safety First! If your child takes medication please have it with them and inform a child care staff member so we can keep it locked up in our medical lock box; if it is an inhaler or an epi-pen, they may carry it in their book bag.


Register At

Eldon & Elsie Ward Family YMCA
130 Woodland Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43203


How to Register - 2 Steps

1. Complete registration packet.

Search & Register

Completion of this registration packet does not complete the enrollment process. You must pay the registration fee (if required) and complete any additional steps as indicated by the Child Care Director or Registrar.

2. Pay Registration Fee


See Y Team Member to pay registration fee (if required) and complete the process.